
Showing posts from July, 2020

Top 10 Mothers Day Gifts - Excellent Ideas For Mothers Day!

Choosing the right gift for Mothers Day can be really difficult. Even if you know your Mum like your best friend buying her something for Mothers Day can be the most daunting of prospects! To help I've compiled the Top 10 Mothers Day Gifts so that your mum gets something that she'll really love this year and you'll be in her good books until at least Christmas! No.10 Not Quite Diamonds Diamonds may be a girls best friend but unless you've made that million pounds you've always dreamed about they're a little bit out of reach for us mere workers. That's why we have Swarovski Crystal. A cheaper but dazzling alternative, Swarovski make beautiful jewellry that sparkles just like the real thing. Not quite diamonds start our list of the Top 10 Mothers Day Gifts. No.9 Perfume Next on the list of Top 10 Mothers Day Gifts is perfume. Perfume is one of life's little luxuries. Either chose the perfume that your Mum already wears or choose something yourse...

Fun at Work - 8 Ways to Have More Fun at Work

We all have to work so we might as well have fun at work, right? If going to work is routine, uneventful, boring then it becomes something you don't look forward to. That can lead to burnout, low productivity, and even health problems. Here are ten ways to have more fun at work. Depending on your work situation, many of these may requires the approval of your manager or supervisor. So keep that in mind. 1. If there is an employee suggestion program in place use it. Be creative and make suggestions on things you would like to see changed or improved upon. Many employees don't use this channel and it can be so helpful for making improvement in the work place. If there is no employee suggestion program in place, take action to start one. When employees are empowered to be a part of making positive change in the workplace all sorts of great things happen. 2. Schedule regular employee-get-togethers. This will be something people look forward to and that is fun. You can even...

Chocolate Nut Meringues - A Delicious Home Recipe For a Tasty Dessert

Here is a tasty recipe for chocolate and meringue lovers everywhere that can be made very simply at home, for all your family and friends, as it serves up to 15 people. Enjoy! Ingredients: 6 oz caster sugar 6 oz broken chocolate 3 egg whites 2 oz of your favourite nuts Quarter pint of cream Mix the egg whites into a large bowl using a whisk until they are stiff. Slowly add a teaspoonful of sugar at a time until all the sugar is used up. Continue to whisk until the mixture is sticky and thick. Add the nuts into the mixture, and then put heaped spoonfuls of the mixture into swirly mounds on to 2 large baking sheets, preferably lined with non stick paper. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees Fahrenheit, then bake the mixture for up to an hour, or until the meringues are firm and easy to peel off the paper. Leave them to cool down. Gently simmer a pan full of water, and melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Gently lift the meringues off the paper, a...

Low-Impact Openings: How NOT to Open a Presentation or Speech

Research has shown that the first and last 90 seconds of any speech have the most impact and are the most memorable, so you should always give the opening and closing of your talk extra thought, time and effort. Often your audience will have already listened to a number of other presentations and may be brain-dead, suffering from 'Death by PowerPoint' or simply thinking about something else they deem to be more important. Just stop and consider the 1001 things that might be going on in your audience's brains as you get on your feet to present. They could be thinking about the big game on TV that evening, the argument they had with their partner before going to work, a big date on Friday, the clunking noise their car engine was making on the way to work, the fact their child isn't doing well in school or their pet is sick, financial worries or even what they're going to cook for dinner that evening  what to do when you're bored . And that's just pe...

Saving Money on Grocery Shopping

* All grocery stores have to get rid of certain items by the end of the day so if you plan to buy things like a whole cooked chicken(Chicken specifically gets marked down 3 hrs after cooking), go at the end of the trading day and you will find your chicken marked down, usually by less than even half-price. You can get a similar benefit from going early morning  grocery shopping secrets . Find out when your specific store does mark-downs - Usually 3pm and 5pm. Note, some grocers do their mark-downs first thing in the morning (opening time) If your grocer is open late, try between 9pm and midnight for mark downs. ** Fruit is cheapest at the end of the week, so go Friday and Saturday. While I can't verify this, some people say Wednesday mornings are good days for mark-downs as some grocers do mark-downs on Wed in preparation for the end of the week shipments. Another day known to be the cheapest is Sunday evening. The best advice I would give here, would be to get fri...

Tax Advice For Single Moms - What You Can Do to Increase Your Tax Refund

For any single moms out there who are well-informed about their income tax, tax time can be a great thing. Looking forward to a refund that could pay off your credit card is always a bonus. But, for those that are not well informed and left feeling confused, tax time can be a pain in the you know what. So here is some tax advice for single moms that will help you get the best refund. Please don't forget to consult a professional who can qualify any information you may be gathering and verify if you are eligible for certain credits. Tax Advice For Single Moms 1. Get A Professional: My first piece of advice is simple...please don't forget to consult a professional who can qualify any information you may be gathering and who can verify if you are eligible for certain tax credits. This is very important. So many people don't ask for help when they can't figure it out for themselves, and this just makes the process all the more frustrating  single mom struggling finan...

What Poor People Drink, An Inspirational Story of Rising From Poverty

Have you ever drunk pinto bean juice as a beverage? Pinto bean juice is what my mother used to call the water that was left in the steam pot once the pinto beans were done cooking. God I hated it. But she couldn't afford to buy milk for my sister and me, and water had no taste. She also believed the bean water had nutrients that would be good for me, and a Mexican mother's beliefs are hard to dispel. Immigrating to the United States in 1983 was the best present my palate could ever receive. By the time we arrived in San Jose, CA, (we traveled from El Paso, TX to Los Angeles, CA, then to the Bay Area) a month later, I had been introduced to orange juice. The stewardess on the plane flight from Texas to California must have thought I was dying of thirst, asking for second and third helpings of the stuff. However, I would not be refreshed again by delicious orange juice, much to my dismay, until several years after. I grew up a child of Sunny Delight. From second grade ...

4 Top Tips For Single Moms Buying Cars

Buying a car can be a daunting and confusing task for single moms. To keep people from taking advantage of you follow these tips: 1. Do the Math If you keep a budget, look it over and see what you can afford to spend on a vehicle. If you don't have a budget, make one. It's important that you keep within your means and not over spend. Keep in mind that you may need a down payment and may need to save for it. Sometimes you can find special deals like no money down. But if you can put money down, this will lower your payments. If your main source of income is from child support and/or alimony, you will need to find dealerships that offer in-house financing. Most banks will want to see a "job" on the application before they approve a loan. 2. Unload Your Old Car Trade in value of your car will be a lot less than private sell value. You will get more money from your old car if you try to sell it yourself first rather than offering it as a trade-in...

Blessing Baskets-Ten Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

Blessing bushels are an incredible option to the ordinary "average" endowments that a great many people send and are a brilliant thought for any event. The one thing that stunned me were all the various topics. I discovered blessing bins for get-aways, scuba jumping, espresso fan, poker and even grill flame broiling. There are such a significant number of topics, blessing bins appear to be a perfect decision pretty much any event. The customary occasion and birthday bushels have a ton of rivalry nowadays. The explanations behind giving blessing containers are many, yet there's one ongoing theme; both the supplier and beneficiary appreciate a typical sentiment of truly mindful. Giving a blessing declaration simply isn't equivalent to giving a blessing bin. Let me let you in on something. I've done a little investigation into blessing containers and I've thought of a bit by bit control that will transform you into a blessing crate crafter professional, ...